Sunday 10 April 2011

World of more craft.

Today I present a bunting flag that I made for my band. This bad boy took me close to two years from idea to finished product. There is a lot of detail and all of the appliqués are hand sewn which is definitely the main reason that it took me so long. There was some much needed time away from all that sewing that lengthened the process. Eventually I invested in a sewing machine so I was able to finish and cross it off my growing list of incomplete projects.

When I came up with the idea for this, it started off for a different project and when Morning Claws started up I felt it was the right time to bring it back to light.  Seems like bunting is everywhere these days, when I started it I hadn’t really seen bunting flags around but then I started planning my wedding and the stuff is everywhere wedding blog-wise. I still love the look of it and bunting is definitely an easy way to add some charm so I’ll keep it around…until I buy into another fad.
So I tea stained the main fabric which was pretty easy, not too sure that there is  a more complex process such as buy finest teas, leave in a dark cupboard and heat set. If there is then I am completely unaware. We had a load of terrible store brand tea that I would rather do without tea then drink so it at least provided one last noble service of dying the fabric.  I just left it in a large bowl of boiled water and quite a few teabags and it worked out well.  Not too sure how washing it affects the saturation of the tea as this probably will not get laundered but it served its purpose. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out even though it is not the tidiest. Generally, I think I am beginning to accept that I am just not so neat and I don't really mind!

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